Friday, April 30, 2010

Pre-race jitters

Well, it's here. I've been thinking about this for months now and the time has just whipped by. When I made the decision in January to take a run at becoming an official 'Marathon Maniac' it seemed very far away.

Through nothing but chance the Sunflower Relay was changed to a marathon distance this year. It's a race that I love to do so I checked on the web and found the Boise Marathon 2 weeks later!

With that I was off and running.

Now the training is over and I'm supposed to be rested, but, of course, I'm plagued with all kinds of pre-race jitters.

Right now I've got my old guy aches and doubts. What have I got myself into? On the drive over all I could think about was how tired my legs will be at the finish tomorrow. Is that itchiness in the back of my throat a cold coming on? Will I step in a hole or slip on a rock and wrench my back?

O, woe is me!

Let's see how tomorrow goes.