I've always liked to be quietly tweaky of convention. Not enough to get too much noticed by polite people and who cares about the impolite ones. All my training partners note when I dress "conventionally". But since the wild lycra 80s it's become harder and harder to get loud and obnoxious clothing. I have found an online vendor who will sell you wild and crazy lycra stuff.
Doing a quick Google search reveals an interesting history of boy/girl color identities. It was only within the last half of the 20th century that the current boys=blue, girls=pink fashion came to be.
Some years ago, before I began my recent run of age group competitiveness, I decided that I could get attention by dying my hair pink for IMC and I could tweak the masculine sensibilities of lots of men. And boy did it work well. The first year I did it (pink hair) I got into the IMC video. Now it's old hat and doesn't happen any longer. But it still works full tilt boogey in the masculinity tweaking department.
It never ceases to amaze me how sensitive so many guys are to outward appearances of being "manly". And pink hair pushes buttons on lots of them. All my friends now think it's just quirky old me.
Same thing with clothing.
Men only wear black or subdued dark colors. Animal prints or loud and/or clashing colors? Never!
Sad to say, my obnoxiously loud workout clothing is wearing out and it's a lot more effort to find and replace. I've got some pink running shorts from the early 90s but those will be history one of these days and there doesn't seem to be readily available replacements. Nowadays I prefer shorts to lycra, so that really restricts my choices.
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