Sunday, November 3, 2019

Madrid, Spain - pre-Flight Walk

Madrid, Spain - pre-Flight Walk (11/3)

Well, we're camped out at a hotel near the Madrid airport for a night's sleep before we fly home tomorrow.

After a leisurely breakfast this morning we toted our stuff to the bus for the ride to Madrid and a taxi to our hotel. Now that we've become more aware of afternoon restaurant kitchen closures, we had another great lunch and then set out to walk a loop through the area of our hotel.

I used the 'look for green' areas on Google maps to link together a walk that traversed several neighborhoods, a very large and barren area, a number of parks, and had a couple of freeway crossings. It was very windy while we walked and we remarked a number of times that we were glad not to be in the mountains dealing with the wind.

We had a big surprise out in the barren area when we encountered a long set of concrete walls that had been painted with very interesting graffiti-style murals. What a surprise! Then we walked through what looked like a tree farm and came upon a very cool cycling skills area. Several young riders were taking advantage of the area and we enjoyed watching them for a while.

Then a freeway crossing, more park, an upscale neighborhood, another freeway crossing and we were back.

Tomorrow morning we rustle up some breakfast, get on the plane for our first flight, and head for Seattle.

Highlight video

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